McCann's Garage Inc.

Auto Repair
4721 E Milwaukee St, Janesville WI 53546



7AM - 5:30PM
7AM - 5:30PM
7AM - 5:30PM
7AM - 5:30PM
7AM - 5:30PM
7AM - 12PM

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About McCann's Garage Inc.

McCann’s Garage in Janesville, WI first opened our doors in 1959 by Wayne McCann. During the 60’s and 70’s we specialized in engine rebuilding and were well known for our expertise in tractors. As times changed and vehicles began to become more technologically complex, as a business we had to change with it. McCann’s slowly transitioned from major engine repairs to computer diagnostics and general auto repair to better suit the market place. Our technicians are Dan McCann and Tom McCann, both 2nd generation auto technicians and Joe McCann, 3rd generation auto technician. Combine our technicians have over 80 years of experience and specialize in drivability concerns and computer diagnostics.

Other Information

McCann's Garage Inc. in Janesville, WI first opened its doors in 1946 and prides themselves in honest reliable work that's done for and honest low price. The three technicians that are employed have over 80 years of experience and specialize in drivability concerns and computer diagnostics. You can contact us Monday through Friday from 7:00am-5:30pm and 7:00am-Noon on Saturday. We accept all forms of payment including Visa, MasterCard and Discover.

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