Do not trust Citizens Bank. This bank is a bunch of scammers. Do not trust them they will steal your money, and not give you vital information about your account. I just pulled all of my money and savings from there, there were willing to let tens of thousands out of the company, to not give me 300$ from a promo deal! Scammers!
March 2021
Choose another branch!The branch manager at this location has been too lazy to return phone calls and unwilling to help resolve a critical situation that they were happy to help with at the Shelburne Road location. If you're reading google maps reviews of banks the above might not even matter to you =D
November 2020
The worst bank I have ever dealt with. They opened up a line of credit for me without telling me that there were associated fees. I was forced to pay even when I requested the credit line to be closed. Not a good way to do business, would never recommend it. 10/10 do not come here