Thief. Owes us 1200usd... Made them good and posted them after building a trust and didn't pay up. Stay well away. And we will not give up on posting these until you don't pay us. We're a small company who could not afford this. But this low life could not care less. Do not support such thrives.
April 2021
Thief. Owes us 1200usd... Made them good and posted them after building a trust and didn't pay up. Stay well away. And we will not give up on posting these until you don't pay us. We're a small company who could not afford this. But this low life could not care less. Do not support such thrives.
December 2020
Never delivers on time. Every year jersey delivery for bulk orders are weeks late. Won't even have them for this years first game, crazy, and the only response is 'I think they are in (state) ...' Doesn't even provide tracking numbers