Wexford Autoglass Pros

Auto Repair
3000 Village Run Rd #103, Wexford PA 15090



6AM - 9PM
6AM - 9PM
6AM - 9PM
6AM - 9PM
6AM - 9PM
6AM - 9PM
6AM - 9PM

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From Wexford Autoglass Pros

Wexford Autoglass Pros is a Wexford, Pennsylvania- based mobile auto glass repair and replacement company. When you choose Wexford Autoglass Pros, we will come to you at no additional charge! At Wexford Autoglass Pros, located in Wexford, we are available Monday through Sunday to answer your questions during normal business hours and ensure you we meet all your needs. Your automobile is built from some of the toughest materials possible so that you have a vehicle that lasts long and keeps you safe from trouble. Your windshield is no exception either, as it is made from laminated safety glass—a treated glass constructed from two sheets of glass with a plastic film in between. Some other windows of your car may also be made with laminated glass. Even though it's tough and designed not to shatter into deadly sharp pieces, broken auto glass bears unsightly “spider web” cracks that could interfere with the drivers vision and compromise the integrity of the automobile’s cab. When this happens you will need to repair or replace your car’s windows immediately, especially if you value your safety. This is something that you shouldn't do on your own. You are going to need an expert for the job.

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