JDS Garage
Auto Repair,
Car Wash,
Self Storage
204 US-13 BYP, Windsor NC 27983
Most Recent Comments
July 2023
I went in for an inspection, I was outside of working hours, by like a few minutes and they were still able to take care of me. Thanks guys....way to make me feel welcomed to Bertie County.
October 2022
I've been taking my car there since he opened, very informative and friendly, I'm very pleased with his work and glad he's a part of this community. Keep up the great work ????
October 2022
Fair and honest just kinda hard to get to. Once you do, you will be glad you found them.
More Comments(8)
From JDS Garage
JDS Garage is an independent, family-owned auto repair shop. We can do a wide range of vehicle repairs and maintaince. Ranging from oil changes to motor swaps, transmissions, diagnostics, as well as state inspections. We are a NAPA AutoCare Center with ASE-certified technicians on staff who undergo continuous training to stay up to date on the best repair practices for your vehicle. We're also on hand for preventive maintenance. When it's time for your next auto service, call us or stop in!
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