Dino's Auto Center
Auto Repair
308 McGrath Hwy, Somerville MA 02143
Most Recent Comments
October 2023
Dino’s is AMAZING! All the men at this establishment are so kind & honest. Thank you for being honest, a lot of mechanics aren’t this way when a girl pulls up in a nice car. I really appreciate you men at Dino’s! THANK YOU!!!
October 2023
This place is awesome they have very good service, they explain everything you need to know about what’s going on and are very helpful. I always go there because they are very honest so I always recommend to my friends.
July 2023
Solved our small issue with car body in 30 seconds while other shops wanted the car for a week, first appt after one month. Very honest and practical. Feels like an authentic repair shop! We will come back!
More Comments(16)
From Dino's Auto Center
Full car maintenance and check--up services including engine, transmission, tire replacement, struts, brakes, battery, oil change, tune-ups, problem diagnosis - amongst others.
Give us a call to schedule a visit or bring us your car for a quick talk! We'll be glad to assist you with a variety of issues!
Hope to see you soon!
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