Logan Automotive Inc
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts,
Body ShopsHours:
271 273 Broadway, Malden MA 02148 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
December 2023
Great service and prices. They coordinate well with the insurance companies and keep you out of the hustle. I highly recommend it.
November 2023
Best place ever. Carefully talks you through things and very reasonable pricing. I’m
July 2023
Very nice people to work with.Ahamad is a great person .
More Comments(31)
About Logan Automotive Inc
For more than 20 years, we have restored over thousands of damaged cars to their original pre-accident condition. Working with high end car dealers, Ahmed and his staff gained a great reputation among customers. Logan Automotives staff communicate with insurance companies throughout our service to you so your insurance claim process goes smooth and your vehicle receives the best quality parts, yielding a factory quality finish.
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