Arlington Toyota Collision Center
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts,
Body Shops
10939 Atlantic Blvd, Jacksonville FL 32225
Most Recent Comments
December 2023
From the time you walk through the doors of Arlington Toyota collision center, you feel the vibe of good service. Ms Annette is truly awesome. She took good care of my vehicle for me while needing a bumper replacement.
November 2023
The best! I have had a couple vehicles repaired by them and their work is perfect. I would even consider bringing it anywhere else. Thank you for making my mistakes disappear.
September 2023
Left multiple messages during the repairs and not one them were returned. I had to continuously call to get information. Also, the person who answers the phone needs to be placed somewhere else in yourl organization. She doesn’t have the right temperament or mannerism for the job. On a positive note, the truck looks good.
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From Arlington Toyota Collision Center
Arlington Toyota has Jacksonville's only authorized and certified Toyota collision center. When accidents happen, let the Toyota, ASE and ICAR trained technicians at Arlington Toyota restore your vehicle back to factory specifications. We serve all major Insurance companies and are here to help. Call Arlington Toyota Collision Today!
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