my son was call from the manager of the store to work a part time he work last week nev 9 from 5 to 11 pm as trainig and now he send text to the lady and she dont answer she need to contact him and paid his time he work he is nice kids clean to be robe like that
September 2023
1:50pm September 18Customer service is terrible.Every time I go to any 7eleven my bank card always has issues.Well today this lady was being rude and complaining about how she's got 10 minutes to clock out. And was being rude. Get better customer service reps. And please update your POS (point of sale)
September 2023
The cashier lady black hair a little bit on the heavy side took my free fantasy 5 ticket... claimed that I never got anything from the meanwhile I handed her the ticket. Never going back to this 711 location ever again shes a thief