Nielsen Village

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3616 G Rd, Palisade CO 81526


Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.

About Nielsen Village

We specialize in culinary lavender, l. angustifolia, which means you can eat this herb, much like it happened centuries ago. We have spices and sugars already blended, as well as the cleaned buds for you to use in your own cooking, baking, and drinks. Body products are available as well. At A Pinch of Lavender LLC, we grow True Lavender, l. angustifolia, in the most unique way, above ground in barrels. We didn't like the idea of having to get down on our knees for every plant so we had a thought...raise the plants. Our barrels are 55 gallon food grade drums cut in half. We filled those barrels with some great dirt and put our baby lavender plants in there. Now we can't get those plants to slow down. Call ahead to make sure we're available!

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