Staff is very nice. When you buy something, you can win fun prizes, and true to Taiwan culture!!
September 2023
This is a really good find on Taiwanese food. It's not a big store but has a lot to offer. The store host are helpful and passionate. The price is good compare to other Chinese supermarket. The frozen food is a gem to find around the neighborhood. Overall I recommend this place
February 2023
Lots of hard to find items from Taiwan, staff were very nice and helpful, I love shopping from this store.
Hi! We are iTaiwan Foods! Over 1000 Taiwanese foods! You can now purchase from online or our store directly."
iTaiwan Foods『走出寶島台灣,傳遞正港台味!』
2021年成立於北加州的iTaiwan Foods,以【100%來自台灣的美食】為初衷,將台灣食品帶入美國,產品種類應有盡有!舉凡從零食飲品、年節伴手禮、冷凍即食料理,到台式醬料、白米麵條和冷凍海鮮等商品,致力提供在美華人最道地的台灣美味。透過實體門市與線上購物平台,提供全美消費者簡單又方便的購物方式,4家坐落於加州的實體門市,也會定期舉辦台灣美食試吃會,用台灣味征服美國胃!
iTaiwan Foods目前合作品牌超過200多家,從知名大廠、在地小農,到各縣市農漁會及特色美食工坊,精心挑選數千種商品與身處異地的您分享。同時,我們也期待能透過台灣美食,讓有更多對在美國長大的亞洲移民和對亞洲文化有興趣的朋友,更加認識寶島台灣!