Very convenient when camping at Lake Casitas and saves a bunch of time. If you forgot anything or didn't pack due to space, you can get it here. They have everything. The place to get fire wood in the park and prices are not really crazy out of line on most items. Shopkeeper seems very nice as well.
November 2023
Readily loaded with what you missed packing. Truly a convenience store.
August 2023
For the size, they stock a nice viarety of products that campers might need or simply want.
Fully Stocked General Store. Why lug all your gear when you can pick up all your camping needs in one place! IF YOU FORGOT IT, WE GOT IT!!!!!! FIREWOOD, ICE, SOUVENIRS, ICE-CREAM, BEER & WINE, SNACKS, DRINKS, RV SUPPLIES, CAMPING SUPPLIES, GROCERIES, HEALTH & BEAUTY, S'MORES AND MORE!!!!!