March 2024
I was sold a fake Loewe puzzle bag. I believe that as they've scaled, their authentication process has taken a hit. Secondly, many of the items are in worse condition than is listed.
I'm done with them - unfortunate because I enjoy designer products and am conscious about sustainability.
March 2024
Beware as a consigner! They’ll accept designer items, list for a reasonable price and then randomly discount to an extreme much later without any warning. I just got a $1.60 check in the mail for a Prada item that I would have recalled back to keep if they’d notified me. Poshmark is a much better route!
December 2023
They sold me a fake Burberry shirt. The stitching was terrible and the fabric was like that of notebook paper. I will not be buying from this company again and they should be investigated for selling counterfeit merchandise.