Jennifer is my and my daughter insurance agent past 3 years. I really appreciate her work. She always try to help me for my insurance. Always giving good service too.Explain everything very clearly. I gave her 5 star.
June 2024
Jennifer is such an amazing agent. She has been my rock thru the loss of my vehicle. Helping me understand what my options are and also had my back making claims process flawless. I recommend her to all my friends and family.. She isn’t just my agent, she is a great friend in time of confusion.
October 2023
Jennifer is fabulous. not only does he make sure you understand everything and isn't afraid to call and let you now something is changing so that you don't have any surprises couldn't recommend her enough
About Jennifer Visser - State Farm Insurance Agent
To create an unprecedented experience for our State Farm customers by offering products and an outstanding customer service focus. We establish relationships with customers by helping ensure their needs are our number one priority. We provide a remarkable experience with each contact whether in our office, virtual, by phone or in the community. License #: WI-16834935, IL-16834935