“Probably the best kept secret in personal banking. You will not find a better personal bank. Checks are free. On-line banking is top notch. Free OFX connections which give you the state of the art web interface. They pay all my ATM fees regardless of how much or from what bank. I never get charged fees for anything. There is no minimum balance. You get a brokerage account when you open a checking account so you can buy stock or funds if you want but its not required. You can even open multiple accounts and have them linked together which is very helpful if you have personal and business transactions. Best of all, the people at the Middleton branch are terrific. Christine will know who you are and help you with anything regarding your account. She will greet you by your first name when you call. While they provide most banking activities, they cannot cash checks or take cash as a deposit. But keep in mind you can use any ATM for your cash needs and get reimbursed for fees.”
“My wife and I sat down and spoke with Nick this evening and we were truly impressed with his professionalism and laid back mannerisms.While he concluded he really couldn’t be of help to us just yet he still spent a lot of quality time speaking to us, I have no doubt we will get back with him in the future.”
8AM - 3:30PM
7780 Elmwood Ave Ste 206, Middleton“Cherie is amazing! We switched to Cherie a few years ago and are so thankful that we did. She makes herself available and answers questions both quickly and thoroughly. The advice she provides us is targeting to our needs and plans for the future. Her recommendations are always comprehensive and creative. I can easily say we are more comfortable with our financial situation and future retirement plans than we have ever been. I've personally referred many friends and family to Cherie and Amanda and they have all been impressed and satisfied. Highly recommend giving her a call!”
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
2601 W Beltline Hwy Ste 104, Madison
“The LBW team is amazing! They really listen to my needs and look at the whole picture, not just retirement. They are the first financial professionals that aren't trying to sell me or talk me into anything. They study my specific situation instead of trying to stick me into a general box. I highly recommend them!”