“people leaving 1 star reviews bc the received honest info from this vet is selfish and egocentric. first, you never had an actual experience to know how this vet performs. second, you were given honest information - the vet is not capable of helping your urgent situatio. third, you're harming a small business vital to the rural area bc of your selfish belief that the world should be at your beck and call. Best wishes to this business and thank you for being availabe for the local residents”
“people leaving 1 star reviews bc the received honest info from this vet is selfish and egocentric. first, you never had an actual experience to know how this vet performs. second, you were given honest information - the vet is not capable of helping your urgent situatio. third, you're harming a small business vital to the rural area bc of your selfish belief that the world should be at your beck and call. Best wishes to this business and thank you for being availabe for the local residents”