December 2023 by Fortified D.
The ATM machine has a card skimmer. Please beware. Luckily my bank caught it before it could be used.
September 2023 by David Hardy
Staff is rude and unhelpful. Tried to use air machine but didnt work and staff wouldnt refund my $2. Said it " was owned by someone else and not there problem."If you want to avoid problems and be treated decently, go somewhere else and avoid this gas station.
January 2020 by Angie D
Fast and good customer service. The prices tend to be higher but overall a good gas station. They close their doors at 9-10pm. Few panhandlers here and there.
April 2019 by SS. SS.
Fast and Friendly they usually won't hesitate to open another cashier if it gets busy and they have another worker there to do it !!
April 2019 by Mia Averill
I moved here about 3 months ago and go here every day sometimes a couple times a day. I love the workers always friendly.
January 2019 by Mia A
I moved here about 3 months ago and go here every day sometimes a couple times a day. I love the workers always friendly.
January 2018 by Alfreida Casterlow
I go in here everyday, but today a new person was working. I was in line and the cashier let a lady go ahead of me in line because she was in a hurry. and when i said something all he said was sorry. So i asked for the manager and told him i shop here everyday and that was not right. Management apologized then said he is new. Doesn't matter he only allowed that because he thought i didnt care and because i was black. So i wont shop there anymore because he should have asked her to wait out of courtesy for the ppl who were in line. I fill up there every Thursday $40 and i go there every day to buy junk food. So i spend a good $100 in there per week. No more!
November 2017 by Jane Bey
I go in here everyday, but today a new person was working. I was in line and the cashier let a lady go ahead of me in line because she was in a hurry. and when i said something all he said was sorry. So i asked for the manager and told him i shop here everyday and that was not right. Management apologized then said he is new. Doesn't matter he only allowed that because he thought i didnt care and because i was black. So i wont shop there anymore because he should have asked her to wait out of courtesy for the ppl who were in line. I fill up there every Thursday $40 and i go there every day to buy junk food. So i spend a good $100 in there per week. No more!
December 2014 by Rohan D.
There are worse gas stations in the neighborhood, but you do have to be very careful here. Vagabonds, hustlers, beggars, thieves, prostitutes, and pickpockets are as common as inappropriate apostrophes in a freshman essay. I ask my wife to not come here by herself, and we met when we both worked security-crowd control at Wrigley Field. The Walker's Point Mobil on 2nd isn't that far East of here.