June 2024 by Kaylie Erdmann
This store needs to be re-run through its training concerning identifying genders as the man behind the counter used masculine pronouns to describe me when I am clearly a woman. Then when corrected he scoffed and said alright bud. Absolutely disrespectful.
December 2023 by Christine K
Go to buy 99 cent potatoes, they tell me I have the wrong ones, I go back, look at the shelf & they are all the same, I tell the lady that's what's on the shelf and she said well, they are still not 99 cents. I said then why are they on the 99 cent shelf? She said I don't know. Well wth? If you advertise for 99 cents, stock your f'en shelves. Then some guy says, we are out of those. How am I sapose to know that??? Do you job kt!
September 2023 by Ian “Eddie” Stonelake
Essential for those long UP coach trips!
August 2023 by sandra joseph
Wonderful products and service
July 2023 by beermantw0
Clean, well organized and well staffed. During peak hours this store is fast paced and often busy but they keep things moving steadily at the checkouts.
July 2023 by Island Ewert
Good price and truly is "Kwik"
April 2023 by Was Nearly
The layout here is rough. Nobody understands how to queue up because of it.
February 2023 by Rick Hofer
go to kwik trip daily, always a good experience. very nice people there. EXCEPT for Jen. crabbiest person there. never like it if have to go thru her check out line!!! fire her!
December 2022 by Tom Braun
Overcrowded. Demands prepayment for gas. Don't trust anyone who doesn't trust you America!!!
October 2022 by shawn taylor
Cart full of fresh donuts out on the store floor at 11:30 pm aren't for sale until 3:30 am but you buy a donut that has out for 20 hours...... Yeah right
September 2022 by Mr Metal Man
This location has the absolute worst selection of hot food, at least compared to the other one in town. Even during lunch and dinner times, the stock is very low on most things and they don't have nearly as many option compared to the Hall ave location (like wings, fried pickles and mottz sticks) Of you have a choice, choose Hall ave, this one is terrible in comparison.
September 2022 by Lynn
We got propane w an old nozzle...
August 2022 by Adam Jordan
Ads on pumps. The very worst. Get fuel anywhere else.
August 2022 by David Schuelke
It’s Kwik Trip!
August 2022 by Todd Hermes
Fast in and out