Basket Flats Strawberry Farm
40678 Van De Bruggen Rd, Marengo WI 54855
Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.
Most Recent Comments
March 2023
Went pretty close to closing but they didn't push us out. Paid then asked if we could take pictures. They said well of course.Very friendly. Smaller berrys but boy are they tasty.
June 2020
Best picking ever!! Beautiful, sweet berries, great service and the patch was perfect... clean berries, straw lining the rows and not a weed! Thank you Basket Flats...I highly recommend you check it out.
March 2020
The strawberries are delicious! It's in an easy to find location and the owners are so friendly and helpful. Definitely our go to place for berries!
More Comments(5)
From Basket Flats Strawberry Farm
Basket Flats is a family owned and operated U-Pick and Pre-picked strawberry farm in Marengo, WI in Ashland County. We are open as soon as the berries are ripe in June and July. Call ahead to place an order of any size or bring your whole family and have a wonderfully rewarding day picking juicy strawberries.
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