“We've dealt with Wade since he opened many years ago. I've brought him many problems, big and small, from a rust hole to near totalled cars. It's amazing what he can do! I have never had a problem his work. It is always 1st rate. And If if it wasn't covered by insurance, he always told me what he could do for what I could afford, and I was always satified with his work. I haven't gone to another body shop since he opened shop!”
“We've dealt with Wade since he opened many years ago. I've brought him many problems, big and small, from a rust hole to near totalled cars. It's amazing what he can do! I have never
had a problem his work. It is always 1st rate. And
If if it wasn't covered by insurance, he always told me what he could do for what I could afford, and I was always satified with his work.
I haven't gone to another body shop since he opened shop!”