Jigger's Auto Repair, Towing & Recovery

Auto Repair, Towing
430 N Madison St, Chilton WI 53014


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About Jigger's Auto Repair, Towing & Recovery

Over 6 Years of Towing and Recovery Excellence At Jigger's Auto Repair, Towing & Recovery, we will treat you like family! Locally owned and operated in Chilton, WI, we take pride in offering light-to-heavy-duty towing and emergency services that are sure to please. Whether your car is stuck in a ditch or it starts to suddenly stall, we are happy to answer your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Repair services available M-F 7:30-5:30) We will take care of you! Do you need a towing company that can handle much larger loads of equipment? Luckily, there is no hauling job too big or too small for us! From heavy-duty towing to roadside recovery, keep us in mind the next time you need a dependable company to get you home safe.

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