Ricks Auto Service
4.6 -
16 reviews.
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Auto RepairHours:
9AM - 4:30PM6151 Co Hwy A, Bloomer WI 54724 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
December 2021
I drive from MN to bring Rick my car. He's honest, fair, and kind. A previous mechanic said my 2007 Subaru needed a new engine, Rick was able to fix it in a few hours for a couple bucks. Life saver!
July 2021
Rick has 25 years of experience and the equipment to do the job.
July 2020
I have taken three Outbacks to Rick for head gaskets. He rocked them all. The last one he had the engine out and torn down in 1.5 hrs.! Show me a local mechanic that can do that. He's 1.5 hrs. from home but worth it. He's always had time to talk things through with me and answer all my questions.
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About Ricks Auto Service
Ricks Auto Service is a sole proprietorship business. I have narrowed the scope of the vehicles I service. I'm focusing in Subaru vehicles doing repairs of all types. I have special tools and software these vehicles and have arraigned my shop environment to service these vehicle quickly and efficiently. No other vehicles serviced. Please no tow in or drop off without calling ahead, If you don't speak with me do not have it towed or it may be refused. Thank you for understanding. email ricksautoservice@gmail.com
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