September 2024 by Grant Whitty
In my experience most postal employees are not particularly kind or helpful. However here, Dakota was very charitable and kind. Hire more people like Dakota. He’s a good man.
August 2024 by Mei
Not sure what specific usps facility this guy is working from but he threw my roommates package from standing position after scanning which could have been something fragile! Not professional and your employees might need to have a meeting about how they are delivering packages. He was an older guy in maybe his late 40’s. I was unloading my car from across the street when I saw him throw it on the ground.
July 2024 by Randy Baker
Online says they accept passport walk-ins 9AM-2PM. Door has a sign that says they only accept walk-ins 2-3. Seems like they really need to sort themselves out.
July 2024 by Cameron Woods
I rarely ever leave reviews but my experience here was just so deplorable. I made an 8:30 am passport appt. online, got there, and was told by the guy working that it doesn't matter what you schedule online, they won't start processing passport applications until 9am. He had me sit there like an idiot for fifty minutes (his female coworker who is in charge of passports showed up twenty minutes late, with six people in line waiting for their appointments). When processing finally started, the woman turned me away, saying it wasn't her fault the website lets people make appointments before 9am, said she wouldn't see me because there were other people in line, and it was above her paygrade to fix the error oh the website. Both of the employees were rude and uncaring, didn't apologize once, and completely wasted my time.
July 2024 by Kimberly Burnham
Terrible terrible automated phone service. It would not give me any information about passport times even though it kept offering me the option of getting information.
July 2024 by Christina Melby
Jessica is an ANGEL! She was working by herself tonight when I came with a truckload of boxes all ready to go and even though they were closing in 15 minutes, she grabbed me a rolling cart and kept me informed of how much time I had, when I was down to two minutes another Angel named Chris who happened to be in the parking lot helped me grab boxes that were falling and being blown by the wind and helped me get it all done before closing! Thank you both, you're both amazing people, total ANGELS!! ❤️❤️
March 2024 by Douglass McArthur
Jessica went out of her way to help us navigate the application and get it done fast! Very thankful for her kindness when she didn’t have to. Made our day!
December 2023 by Kodak NW
Called and asked for help, TAPING UP my box and sending it out. Drove 25 min just for them to tell me I now need to pay to have my box taped up.
November 2023 by Glenn Lipsker
Worst experience ever for me in a post office. A young lady waiting in line had her phone volume on full blast. Initially, I thought it was the overhead speakers. This was at 8:40 am. Other patrons asked her if she wouldn't mind turning the volume down. She barked back, I'm in a meeting. So, I asked if she could put on some ear buds, or go outside. NO. WHY DON'T YOU BUY ME SOME EARBUDS. The postal workers wouldn't say a word. The line of people kept getting longer, as the sole counter wouldn't ask co- workers to help out. There were at least two others just beyond the counter, chatting in the back. After 20 minutes, I made it to the counter. Only then did the counter worker ask for help. Apparently, all you need is a heart beat to get a job at this office.I was sending some chocolates , as a gift, to some friends. I mentioned this to the woman working the counter. I had to say there were no dangerous items, explosives, batteries, etc. Maybe I should not have mentioned that they were chocolates, because they never made it to their destination. Who knows if they ever made it beyond that postal workers purse ? Like I said. The Worst post office in Eastern Washington. Maybe the entire state.
October 2023 by Nicole Ray
Trying to talk to costumer service sucks
September 2023 by Christopher Sheller
Jessica is the bestest!!!
September 2023 by Ed Freeman
Staff is amazing and very helpful
September 2023 by Anna
Ayla is awesome
September 2023 by Irina Amihava
Great experience! Fast and efficient!
August 2023 by Katie Doane
Heads up they don’t accept general delivery here, they said downtown only. I got lucky they accepted my package and I was able to grab it.