The contact lens specialist was great. Was a bright spot in my experience. The negative I'll leave out. I'll just say the others I dealt with seemed to have a case of the Mondays. If you're going for contacts she is great. Not great that this is the only eye clinic I can go to with kaiser insurance
March 2024
I saw Dr. Wood today in podiatry. He is new to the area. Not new to Kaiser but new to Spokane. He and his staff were wonderful. He was very thorough with my feet today, explained a lot of why I was having my problems. He suggested solutions which I will follow. Very happy I went today. I would recommend him highly.
March 2024
Nicole Stonehouse, LDO, is the best! She really took the time to help me pick out the eye glasses that are right for me and helped me get the best deal. She is definitely a caring person who is good at her job!
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