July 2024 by Tony
Go thru pet meds to get your apaqual for your pups. They charge less and deliver it to you. That way you save money and you don't have to go thru the gauntlet of Costco to get to the pharmacy. Kinda messed up that they make older customers have to walk all the way to the other side of the building to get their meds.
June 2024 by Steven George
This pharmacy has hundreds of people to deal with everyday, but they treat everyone with dignity and respect. We had a very expensive script and they spent at least 30 minutes working out how to cut the cost in half via a discount card by the manufacturer.
June 2024 by Brenda G
Pharmacist and tech took the time to work on a confusing discount for one of my prescriptions- they went above and beyond. They were working with my husband and he didn’t get their names but i appreciate the dedication to their jobs and kindness to their customers. Thank you.
June 2024 by Andrew Loving
April 2024 by Ryan M.
Had an appointment to get tires rotated guy said an hour I come back an hour later hasn't been worked on asked how much was told another hour this tire center has the worst service by far asked for my keys back and left hope they fire the staff
April 2024 by Raymond L.
This is a ZERO star rating, but had to select 1 star in order to post... I submitted 3 feedback comments about this incident because the costco app has a text limit. Here is all 3 comments with more detail in there entirety: 1st feedback in app... On 4/10/24 @ 1210, at the self checkout, I was in line for the next register. The ID checker was helping another customer ring up flowers. An elderly woman clearly looking for assistance wandered up from behind and went directly to her as she finished ringing up flowers at the other self checkout line and spoke with her. At the same time, the customer at the register in front of me finished and as I moved up to checkout, she walked up to me and said, "she's next in line sir, you skipped her." I responded "no" she was behind me. She replied, I need to check your ID as I was scanning it at the register. I said the machine just checked it. She immediately threatened to take my COSTCO membership card. I said, "Do it and I'll never spend another dime in this place." She walked away, checking other customers cards, while saying something like, "it's the way you did it." I said, "me??? it's you, you're the one that accused me of skipping in line," in front of all these other customers. I told a supervisor and a Manager right after the incident. I told him I was agitated because of how she publicly embarrassed me for something I didn't do. The Manager apologized & said he would speak with her (the supervisor confirmed it was Tammy). As I was speaking to the Manager another customer that saw the incident walk up behind me, corroborated my version of the events and told the Manager that she was rude to me. Not just "BAD customer service", but horrible communication skills, if they don't believe me they should watch/listen to the security video; maybe a great opportunity for customer service training dos and don'ts for their employees; especially the employee that indiscriminately accuses customers of things they didn't do. ****break**** 2nd feedback in app...... .....along with my previous statements, I am so disappointed and upset that your employee embarrassed me in front of other customers, had a lack of awareness, lacked customer service skills, and was immediately accusatory and threatening with her power to take away my costco card for her mistake. I have been a Gold Star Executive Member since 2009, but will now payoff my costco card credit card, then cancel it and my membership. I'm leaving the big box rat race. So long Costco, say goodbye to my money. I'll gladly pay more elsewhere for customer service and fair treatment. ....lastly, don't forget to check out "Yelp" because this bad employee experience will live on the internet for eternity.......way to earn your employee of the month award, Tammy. ****break**** 3rd feedback in app...... Yes, I sent 3 feedback comments about same incident in the middle of the night 3AM-5AM. I waited all day before responding, hoping the bad experience would evaporate and I would feel better in the AM allowing me to provide a more reasonable response/action, but the insomnia I am experiencing from this incident, is compelling to respond when I should be sleeping. Trust me I don't want to be awake reliving this experience in bed, but this is how bad the experience with your employee has affected me. ****New comments**** Yesterday was my last Costco purchase ever!!! Just so you know I'm serious, I haven't bought anything from Wal-mart/SAMs Club since 2003 for multiple employee customer incidents from putting contacts in the wrong solution that gave me a chemical burn in my eye; even though it was clearly marked on the box, which I pointed out, but they assured me it was fine, to the fear on her face when she realized she made a mistake; to a faulty cart wheel that resulted in the cart falling over and my newborn daughter rolling out of it with the car seat facing down on the floor (thank god we had her
March 2024 by Isaac L.
honestly, I only go to Costco for the pizza but today was different. They refused to allow me to buy pizza today. I didn't have a member ship myself, my parents have one and we have been loyal customers for 5 + years. Some lady, whom I'm assuming is a worker, asked me if I'm 16 years old. I told her I'm not since I am OVER 16. She didn't allow me to even explain that my parents were inside the store shopping. We left the store hungry and had no where else to go. I didn't want to say this for the longest since I WAS a Costco customer, but I found a cockroach in the women's restroom. Very frustrating situation, I'm very disappointed.
January 2024 by Viva A.
Having travelled the country, many Costco stores have visited; however, Silverdale was by far the worst experienced. Without going into details as to why, a manager was requested by this member; soon after a very nice young lady presented herself as the assistant manager, Cheryl, or Charlotte, or something beginning with 'Ch...' The issue at hand was being discussed calmly, when out of nowhere speaks Doug Reed, store manager, who without any invitation or introduction, or involvement in the conversation, with indignant condemnation and an angry scowl on his face. Doug Reed was told to mind his own business and remove himself from the conversation; he did not until he was yelled at to go away! When Doug Reed had removed himself, the assistant manager was more than happy to revealed Doug's last name, which heretofore had been unknown. The assistant manager apologized for her superior's behavior, and she received sympathy for her position. it is this member's fervent wish Doug Reed is removed from his position and the very pleasant and professional assistance manager is promoted. This store will never be visited again by this member, or anyone who may be influenced.
January 2024 by Mojdeh S.
It's Costco, after all! The place feels smaller than other Costco facilities we've been to, but it's just as packed and bustling. The food court and seating area are relatively small, but the food menu is the same and people seemed eager to find a seat and enjoy their meals/snacks. The store itself has everything we needed, and we love the self-checkout for times when we have few items to purchase. Membership & returns staff were friendly and helpful.
December 2023 by Jessica S.
I always feel lost and uncomfortable in a store bigger than the town I grew up in, so I've only rarely gone to Cosco during the last 25 years, but lately I've taken to getting stuff delivered on a regular basis. Pretty big savings even allowing for the delivery tip. Did get melons that came old, mushy, flavorless, but that was just one time, mostly it's been a good deal.
October 2023 by Christina Ketterling
I was very pleased with Costco pharmacy. My vet had estimated $150 for meds for 1 dog. At Costco I got meds for 2 dogs for only $65. Amazing!!! I think I'll try getting my own prescriptions filled there from now on.
July 2023 by Jennifer M
Super helpful staff, very informative. Patient with customers and always greet us with a smile.
June 2023 by Linda A.
Let me state first: the optometrists are great. With one exception , the doctors receptionists are great. I had asked if the glasses I had chosen Costco Online Optometry available,sure just show the staff what you want to see and they will pull them for you. NOT!!! I pulled a numbers tag to get in line and had asked one of three techs if they could look at my selection online. She barely looked at my list (8). Said no we don't have those , you need to buy those online. so I went looking for another set. They called my number and I wasn't ready so the next person in line took my place. Then after waiting for 45 minutes they called an advance number (5). I called out what about #2?! I was told that was an old number and I needed to pick another number. That was really the last straw. 3 techs. 2 of them talking with their 'clients' for 45 minutes each. The third one was working with 'client' who was buying contacts lenses. Does it really take 45 minutes to write an order up? Couldn't the first tech who flat out refuse to help me look for frames that at least looked like the ones online? They lost a Big sale! And they don't care about their poor service. This is Costco at Silverdale
June 2023 by Jesse H.
Costco isn't what it used to be. Going to Costco used to be a fun experience, we would go through the store to see what new items and deals we could find and enjoy ourselves. Now it seems like inventory stays pretty stagnant, the prices have jumped up so much that it's cheaper to just shop at Target, Winco, and Safeway. And the push to be "verifying membership" has just made the experience a hassle. We're generally not the types who come into Costco and fill a cart, rather we come in for a few items and rarely grab a cart because we can just carry them. Now this Costco has implemented a new policy of verifying identity before you can even get to the self checkout, so if you're like us and don't generally need a cart be prepared to juggle all of the items in your hands while digging for your wallet so that you can show off that faded, 1/4 inch photo on the back of your card from 5 years ago. Sorry, but I'm not going to keep paying $120 a year for a membership to a store that no longer offers competitive pricing and treats me like a liar and thief every 5 steps. What's really funny is that this "cost control measure" of checking cards (which the machines already do before we can start scanning) is requiring Costco to pay labor for 3 employees at the self checkout stand rather than just the 1 that they used to have. No wonder the prices are skyrocketing.
June 2023 by Irimi B.
Not the stores fault really but, Trying to get out is crazy, people don't respect the crossing zone and insist on driving their vehicles through it to the point of pedestrians getting run over. Also, come on fix that crazy series of pot holes at the south point exit!!