June 2024 by Bob Gray
As a licensed professional mariner, for the past 40 or so years. I can honestly recommend Rose Point navigation software. It's simple to use, easy to understand. Most maritime company's I work for have migrated over to Rose Point software. I use it on my commercial fishing boats also, operating in Alaska and the west coast
If you need help, a real person answers the phone.
November 2020 by Dr. Edwardo Moses
Great software. After several years still not using all it can give me. But it has taken me all around USA and some parts of Europe. Love it. The tech support is excellent.
November 2017 by Allen
They have excellent navigation software.
November 2016 by RIch Booms
I had my laptop die while boating in a remote area of Ontario. The laptop runs all the software to naviagte the boat. I had to scramble and buy a new laptop, reload the software and get all of the updates and charts loaded. I called tech support and got Marius. He helped me resolve several issues, get charts downloaded via wifi and resolve several set up issues. He took 3 calls from me and returned several calls as well. in the course of 4 hours he got me back on the water navigating safely. Great guy , Great service.ThanksRich BoomsBooms AwayNorthville MI.