Real Estate Agents in Omak, WA

3 locations found near Omak

“Our past buying saga:Summer (of Omak's Remax office) was the realtor that we started our home buying endeavor with.Not pushy (like the sellers realtor) or loud. She was quite knowledgeable about the properties she showed us.When ever we had questions she didn't know the answers to, she always found the info and got back to us in great time.Unfortunately, (through no fault of "our realtor") the property failed inspections.After months of putting in a lot of ground work, paperwork and research for us, we were surprized to find that the property failed to pass pur lenders inspections and at the last minute they backed out but we blindly believed the seller and her realtor.We went forward on our own, which left Summer getting the short stick in the whole the deal. But she never complained and continued to help us close out the failed buy through the lenders, (turning it into a private sale.)After a year of being on the property nothing was as it was told to us or our realtor. We had a fast growing list of issues that had been hidden during the sale and even several lies found with the sellers Disclosure. giving us no choice but to find a way out of the situation (without the seller making money off of us...) as instructed by our lawyers, we forced her hand. In the end it was Karma that bit her and she had to be accountable for some $90,000.00 that she received by lying to people who buy a portion of court won monetary judgements and a judge who let her know she was the one who would be needing a lawyer after she lied about having served us (as my husband was in another state working and I had already moved away from her property and was recuperating from an accident on a friends property no where near where she claimed to have had me physically served.We did finally get out of the whole mess, but she just dug herself in deeper.The point is, it was a terrible experience in buying that place after we went to a private sale situation. But even as we did, "Our realtor" was professional, never loud or pushy nor ever impatient or short with us (even after she had done so much work and was getting nothing from the sale at the end).Presently:Our goals have gone a different way now, in that, we just want a small piece of property to park our trailer and roost our chickens while we build a place to exactly what "WE" want, rather than buy someone elses problems and hidden traps.However, if we do ever change our minds and decide to try buying someone else's home again, we would most definitely give Summer the option of representing us before asking anyone else, as we are that pleased with her previous work and the calm state she always presented with.”

4.3 Superb1 Reviews

“I recently moved to Okanogan for work. Having no connections in the area I cold-called a local real estate office and was connected with Mary Baker.Mary listened to what I was looking for, got to know my quirky personality, and let me know when the most perfect property (for me) came up for sale.This was an amazing feat on SO many levels. I am quirky, yet particular. The market was COVID crazy. There was NO inventory. Everything was getting sold for cash before my pre-approved brain could determine what my payment would even be.I love my little place in is my piece of heaven. I made my first friends in Okanogan in this transaction...both Mary, and the gentleman that was selling the home. I cannot recommend Mary and Okanogan County Realty enough.Top notch agent. Impressed.”

4 Good2 Reviews

“My friend used this real estate agency to buy her new home...she had very specific needs...they worked diligently to search for her new forever home!! The agent showed her several homes,but nothing was quite like she needed..the agent kept searching...and as it worked out,a house was about to go on the market that fit my friends needs and the agent arranged to show this house..just what she needed and wanted!! This agent was on the ball!! The sale was made without a for sale sign ever having to be put up. It worked great for the sellers as well as well as my friend..I share this experience with anyone I know who is even just thinking about selling or purchasing ....”

3.5 Good1 Reviews