Providence Orthopedic Care

413 Lilly Rd NE 6th Floor, Olympia WA 98506


Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.

From Providence Orthopedic Care

Whether your knees hurt, hip pain has you limping, or you’ve broken a bone, we’ll help you heal. At Providence, our orthopedic team cares for all kinds of muscle, bone and joint disorders. Our services range from diagnosing pain and other symptoms to performing sophisticated surgical procedures for fractures, sports injuries and partial or total joint replacements. Providence orthopedic surgeons are part of a skilled and coordinated healing team. We work with neurosurgeons, radiologists, nurses, physical therapists and other specialists to provide personalized care. From outpatient clinic services to inpatient hospital and rehabilitation therapies, we’ll ease your road to recovery.

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