Kellogg's Service and Towing Inc.
Auto Repair,
15315 N Newport Hwy, Mead WA 99021 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
May 2023
Used them to tow 4 box trucks, all 26ft long. Not an easy task. Driver was an absolute pro and I needed to chat a few times with Jacob in the office and he was helpful every time. Highly recommend them
September 2022
Old school towing service, with very reasonable prices thank you
August 2022
Waited 6 hrs for a vehicle to come grab my plow truck as I was having fuel delivery issues. Tow truck never came, Core Values Roadside Assistance left me high and dry. Kellogg responded immediately and got our truck to the shop promptly. Thanks Kellogg.
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About Kellogg's Service and Towing Inc.
We are a trusted towing service based in the Mead, WA area. With over 50 years experience, services include auto repair, towing, specializing in heavy duty towing, road assistance, and much more! We are on call 24/7. Contact us today for further information!
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