March 2022 by Samantha Martin
It’s disturbing to see on here how many people have dismissed the fact that Sandy isn’t just “rude” to people; she harasses people, and she went out of her way to call me and threaten to hurt my rats. Doesn’t seem very caring towards animals to me like others are saying. This woman is Evil, she’s assaulted people, threatened the safety of animals to get her way, verbally abuses people, back when the situation with my rats occurred I called the police because I was genuinely afraid for the animals there, I witnessed her verbally berate the officer despite him being very patient and polite with her, then she filed a false police report on that officer saying he tried to hurt her and I ended up being contacted for a statement. Sandy is crazy and awful, and her being a 3 time breast cancer survivor, not being a people person, and being worn out from running a rescue justifies absolutely none of her actions towards other people.
January 2022 by Pamela Hall
These negative reviews break my heart.I have worked with Animal rescues In the USA and around the world from bunnies to elephants.99% Of the animals in these rescues are there because of humans.Those Rescuers who dedicate their livesTo animals see the worst in humanity.They sacrifice their lives, their funds,Their sanity, often,To the Cruelty they see every day. Is it surprising it takes a toll on them? We can all see that...so Let us consider that when we leave reviews for places like this that we could never understand without living it.
December 2021 by Zz Quinn
Please don’t take the owner’s social skills as a reflection of her care for the animals. Some people just get along better with animals than they do with people, and that has been my experience with her. This isn’t exactly retail work, so customer service is not her #1 skill or priority. As you can imagine she spends the majority of her time taking care of numerous abandoned animals (this must be a TON of hard work), so she is baseline judgmental of other humans, because she knows how terrible we can be and she doesn’t trust us. If you can learn to not take it personally and understand that she has the animals interests at heart, you will find that this place is great for adopting and boarding pets. We adopted 3 sweet, healthy rats from here, and we’ve boarded them here many times. The boarding fee for rats is *remarkably* cheap, which has allowed us to actually take vacations and know our boys are well cared for. An incredibly valuable resource for small pet owners, I don’t know what we would do without them.Yes, the interactions are mildly uncomfortable. Yes, I felt like I had to prove I wasn’t an animal abuser when I came to adopt. But it’s because she cares so deeply for these animals. Anyone that thinks someone who dedicates their life to running an animal sanctuary is not kind to animals is likely butt-hurt about not getting a welcome ceremony upon arrival. And if things don’t seem up to par (urine smell, as one reviewer mentioned), it’s not because she doesn’t care or try, they just need more volunteers and donations because one person can only keep up with so much. Please support them!!
November 2019 by Zoe Simpson
Awful, rude woman. Place smelled very strongly of urine, which although understandable on some level, was overwhelming. Judgmental and unkind, quickly wanted nothing to do with me. Wouldn't even respond to our goodbyes on the way out. Poor animals.
November 2019 by Chelsee
Sandi is a really nice person. No words could describe how nice she is and how she helped me with my Guinea Pigs when I’m out of States.
November 2019 by Erika Baca
The best
November 2019 by loo tion Soul (Isbe)
I volunteered there
November 2019 by Kayla Ondik
I applied to adopt a pair of Guinea pigs from them. One of the employees there had agreed to make a cage for them on the condition that we cannot take the pigs home until the cage is finished. She at first told us that we would get the cage the next day. It has now been a week and a half...still no pigs. I have been calling every day and the third time I went in she started yelling at me. As far as animals they have high quality, well cared for pets. The employees are rude and their adoption process is slow moving as they have been very evasive.I would suggest somewhere else.
UPDATE 2019! Over the years I have been there a few more times and haven’t had any issues getting supplies and staff had been friendly. Both pigs lived a happy healthy life. The adoption process was really rocky and I ended up getting a different cage anyway, but I still got two great piggies.
November 2019 by Daniel J. Dudley, MD
Rabbit Meadows is a great place with excellent products, and very high quality Timothy hay that I buy for my rabbits. As some reviewers have mentioned, they were given advice they did not like about what it means to share one's life with a rabbit. It is a responsibility and a privilege to share one's life with a rabbit. Rabbits have special and unique needs, and most people who see them and fleetingly think "it's so cute!" don't understand the high level of care, consideration, and cost it takes to properly provide a home for and care for a rabbit companion. My rabbits bring me so much joy and I love them, but they are not what a lot of people are looking for when they want an animal that will be: "good for kids", "cuddly", "likes being picked up". The owner of Rabbit Meadows is very knowledgable and helpful, I highly recommend it. Take the negative reviews here with a grain of salt.
August 2019 by A S.
FYI I don't think there is boarding right now because they are changing locations and moving to Kitsap county according to their website. I boarded my rabbit here in 2018, Sandi was abrasive but not outright rude to me in emails and calls. Yes, the volunteer at the time made the experience so much better. I can't remember his name but he was lovely and kind. He said " do you know your bunny likes cheek rubs?" which was very sweet. He is intuitive with the buns.... I told him I had only found out which rubs Wolverine my bun enjoys not 6 months ago! Anyway, just an update. If you order things from AmazonSmile you can donate to this business, great for the buns. And the owner isn't undeserving per say... so Obviously you can see I am conflicted.
June 2019 by Johnna E.
I don't think I have written a negative review of anything. Ever. I know that online reviews can make or break businesses and it's felt even more if it's a local small business. These are people's lives, income. But this is my exception. My first interaction with this business was ok at first. I spoke to someone over the phone about boarding my 3 lops here while my spouse and I went on vacation for a week. Drop off I don't remember having any issues. However, When I returned to pick my kids up, my interaction with the owner was extremely rude and uncalled for. I can attest to others' reviews that the owner was very condescending; flat out ugly to me for asking a simple question on my way out as I was gathering up my buns and paying my boarding fees. I literally gathered everything up and got out of there ASAP. I don't know if I was more upset or angry that a complete stranger would treat someone so rude. And I mean, I just finished paying her over $200!!!?!? Note that this was 3 years ago. The only reason I even thought of this place now was because I need another place to board my buns for a vacation this year and it still comes up as open. Unbelievable. Who knows? Maybe customer service and decent human interaction has actually been utilized here since then. Needless to say, that was my first and only time there. Very sad. :(
June 2019 by Michael C.
I dropped in some time ago to inquire about rabbits for pets. The owner, as portrayed in these postings, is rather nasty. It's almost as if she were insisting that you can't have or don't deserve a rabbit. I understand her concern for rabbit welfare, but her attitude is out of bounds. Growing up in the Midwest we had several rabbits that lived long lives and, as far as I could tell, were content. You would do well to skip this place and go to a state or regional fair (like the one in Monroe). There are rabbit breeders with their bunnies on display with rabbits for sale and most are very happy to share knowledge. Also check the Internet for more options.
April 2019 by Lucas Wyrsch
The owner lady was rude and had a bad attitude. She blocked my truck in a parking stall when was trying to leave. I asked her to move please and she said this is this is my business why did you park here and walked off. I can only imagine the love she projects on animals.
April 2019 by Cameron Reason
Luke you are the man.. if I could only meet you in person I would bye you a beer or two..funny..my co worker had the same experience last week when I brought my 10 rabbits there for a bath..hit me up some time to chat..hopefully they change there customer service
April 2019 by Cookie Higman
Great place very sweet, clean as for the manager she is in high demand and does her best! It's not easy being an animal lover and watch these little guys just being dropped off because people just don't want them! It's heart wrenching but the staff is loving and comforts and very knowledgeable as well as the manager (give her a break)â¤ï¸