Dwayne Lane's Skagit Mazda Parts Department
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts
620 Auto Blvd, Burlington WA 98233
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Most Recent Comments
January 2022
We conducted a lot of research before engaging in the buying process and one name kept coming up again and again; Trevor Sheldon. After purchasing a Mazda with Trevor's help, I can tell you he is truly a sales professional. If you're thinking about buying a new car, contact him; he is the "go-to" guy for a reason.
August 2020
Great experience. Awesome service advisor, very friendly. Professional and would high likely recommend!
August 2020
Being a car novice, I felt comfortable and in good hands bringing my vehicle here. The service advisor, Dani, was very knowledgeable and was able to answer all of my questions. Her level of competency was easily shown as she was able to dummy everything down for me. I will be bringing my vehicle here again when needed!
More Comments(9)
From Dwayne Lane's Skagit Mazda Parts Department
With authentic Mazda parts from Dwayne Lane’s Skagit Mazda, your vehicle will be ready for every drive, from the daily commute to the road trip. Our parts center in Burlington, Washington is loaded with authentic Mazda parts designed expressly for your model. This ensures that your car parts meet the unique needs of your vehicle and deliver enduring quality. From the convenience of our dealership, you will have access to the car parts and accessories that your vehicle needs to make every drive a smooth one.
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