March 2024 by F R
Everyone is really nice and super helpful!! I use unity care for my primary care and it makes using the pharmacy so easy!!
February 2024 by Moon Seidel
I've been coming here since I established care with UCNW in December 2020--it's always clean and convenient, and I have no issues whatsoever!
February 2024 by Abigail F.
Some of the providers are hit-or-miss, but the staff and the outreach and enrollment office are an AMAZING tool!! If you need help, talk to outreach! They can guide you!
January 2024 by Robertr M.
dr ordered ct scan i was refused 3 times by unity nw insurance company despite cardio in hawaii my gp who heard the a fib in bellingham egk printed the a fib in bellingham not acceptable health care
November 2023 by ShylaR _
Good PharmacyBad part is homeless people are taking over the location
August 2023 by Jesse Shaffer
Best pharmacy ever, super nice pharmacist's, great environment
July 2023 by LeeRhonda Braun-Shelly
I wish friendly and takes care of their clients and delivery to my home is awesome they're friendly and punctual
March 2023 by Schuyler V.
i had the worst experience I have ever had at Unitycare with Angela Taylor,ARNP. Not only was she rude,arrogant,and dismissive, I had to turn her into the WA state medical board for her,in my opinion,malpractice. My two,top Seattle specialists had asked I be referred to both Infectious Disease and asap to a cardiologist. I have two terminal illnesses. She lied, said she was a PA ( she is not,she is advertised as an ANRP,merely a nurse who should not pretend to be a doctor). She denied my physicians requests for referrals saying " I am not allowed to refer". Funny thing, when I spoke to the office mgr,she said all ARNP's can make referrals. She decided to overrule my two top physicians. Her license does not legally permit her to practice medicine over an MD.A second ,blatant lie. Despite the advice of my neurosurgeon,and Harvard cum laude Psychiatrist,who treats the diseases, she said " I don't think you need those referrals ". If you value your life, do not see this pratitioner. The medical board wants me to send as much information as I can,in order to pursue this case. She will be investigated,in all likelihood. I told the office mgr they should fire her on the spot for what appears to be slam dunk negligence. For sure she will be reprimanded for fraud for perpetrating a PA. That,on the website of Wa.gov ,is classic ARNP fraud. I worked in medical for eleven years. Steer very clear of this ignoramus.
March 2023 by Bumpertini B
Absolutely life-saving. I had an issue with insurance, and was out of my medications. Without these medications I likely would not survive. They fronted the cost with barely any questions asked, and didn't make me feel bad about it. They made me feel like they wanted to help. These people are angels. It seems the other low star reviews here are from drug seekers or impatient people who don't understand how understaffed and difficult every person at unity cares job is. I love these people they saved my life. Likely more than once.
March 2023 by Vincent Carnicello
Very quick, and polite
February 2023 by erika villa
I had to move to Camano Island due to the sudden death of my father, and though I could get my prescriptions at another pharmacy closer to home, I would rather stick with UCP, they offer mail service and I also go in to pick up certain scripts, plus all of the staff is friendly and helpful. Sometimes with the big chain pharmacies you don't get that type of service.
December 2022 by Debi P.
I have been treated at Unity Care in Bellingham since 2007. I see them on a very frequent basis and have ALWAYS been treated well. I was shocked reading some of the reviews, especially since a lot of the reviewers are in a situation with Dental issues. It's a medical facility, not a dentist office. They do emergency dental care. You should always have a regular dentist lined up for big problems.Next, the doctors and nurses and schedulers are ALWAYS wonderful...and I have seen and been treated by many. I don't know why people, especially those who are low income, don't appreciate having a knowledgeable team of doctors and nurses who go above and beyond in their treatment.I have been treated in several different crisis situations, both mental and physical and they have gotten me help and followed up later. I started going there when I had no insurance and did the sliding scale...which literally saved my life. I now have insurance and could go anywhere I want for the last 12 years and I CHOOSE to be their patient.I love the nurse practitioners also, they are so thorough. My current doctor is Dr. Tilley and I just love him.Thank you Unity Care, for your commitment to this community. I am sorry people don't appreciate you more...just as good of doctors and NP and nurses as anywhere you could go in Bellingham.Sincerely,Debi PetersonMaple Falls, WA
October 2022 by Dy L.
A few more incidents since the first review- told by DDS all good save an infection below a tooth giving pain- nothing after that, not a schedule to fix just a pre scheduled cleaning...I called about pain and swelling, and need to fix the issue ....need DDS recommendation....told me they could t see me for three months (seek care elsewhere) - I call back we'll after just to have them document what happened (I am up to 34 pages now), and they ask why I didn't walk in?!!!!!!! They called again, said they had an appt, which the last time they said they could not address the infection just do a cleaning and nothing else. The first time they said we could only do x rays and nothing else. Pretty good business model for a NPO huh? Lots to bill for there ...No one would believe this experience without proof. I wouldn't. Wow.Apparently my earlier review was deleted by Yelp. It was much longer. Here are the points: 1- They refused, twice and openly, to receive and review my previous medical tests, records, blood tests, and any other relevant records. I offered them in CD, paper form, and digitally. They refused them. 2. I received a blood test back showing my A1C rose and the doctor CUT my dosage! I literally had the past 9 blood tests in my hands and she literally refused to look at them. 3. I said on the entry paperwork I was concerned about thyroid. Their blood test indicated it was normal, when I brought 9 years worth of blood tests showing abnormal. The Thyroid does not just get normal. So, a A1C result different and higher than the previous four years of tests, combined with a "normal" thyroid result that had not been so in a decade. The result was no thyroid meds and lower doses of diabetes medicine even though the A1C was higher. I was told to ignore my previous tests. They clearly only wish to be responsible for what you physically wrote on their entry paperwork. This is purposeful, we were educated by the law firm that they do this to limit their risk and accountability.No one would believe this without proof, but there are even more stories. Yes, I left the practice and today still trying to get legitimate dentist help and actual informed health care.
October 2022 by sporkles sparkles
helpful and nice
July 2022 by Google User
Staff is extremely friendly and goes above and beyond to get me good deals and good service. Has a great personal delivery program.