Gilliam Court Sr Citizens Apartments
2.2 -
6 reviews.
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736 Gilliam St NE, Wise VA 24293
Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.
About Gilliam Court Sr Citizens Apartments
Manager Debbie is very unprofessional & nosey to the point she has ppl videoing ppl in there everyday life without there knowledge. Calls tenants into her office to ask about there sex preferences also judges ppl by there sex preferences & appearance assuming tenants r drug addicts with absolutely no proof & baring tenants personal care takers & family members from the property off her own judgments of what or how she feels about them . I can get every tenant at Gilliam Court Apartments to sign a waiver that Noone no longer wants her to b there as apartment manager. This is very abusive to the tenants & illegal as well as unprofessional as it gets to most if not all of these tenants whome r mostly elderly tenants all tenants want Debbiout.
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