February 2023 by Nichole S
Wonderful experience! From the first email to the phone conversations to pick up!We have experience with heelers and this breed is not for everyone, we live on 200 acres and have small children so he gets a lot of exercise!! This breed is just amazing in my opinion!This breeder is absolutely amazing organized and takes great care of these pups!We got this amazing male at 8 weeks, he had his shots and all. Pick up was great we got to see the mom and dad and all the puppies!
January 2023 by Nichole Smith
Wonderful experience! From the first email to the phone conversations to pick up!We have experience with heelers and this breed is not for everyone, we live on 200 acres and have small children so he gets a lot of exercise!! This breed is just amazing in my opinion!This breeder is absolutely amazing organized and takes great care of these pups!We got this amazing male at 8 weeks, he had his shots and all. Pick up was great we got to see the mom and dad and all the puppies!
January 2023 by Maureen Deel
Happy New Year Pam! We are so grateful that you sold us Max, your three and a half year old blue heeler. He is a beautiful example of the breed and his temperament is awesome. He gets along well with our two other dogs and will have a loving forever home with us the rest of his life! We will keep in touch and send you photos - Jeff and Maureen
October 2022 by Cherie Anderson
In response to Mary A review.What a horrible shame that you had a puppy put to sleep for heavens sake I just hate the way humans treat other animals but believe themselves better! These dogs require a knowledge with handling and you shouldn’t ever have bought that poor little puppy without being sure you knew how to raise, train and love this type of breed. Did you not read they are the only dog breed with Dingo in the ancestry? They are one of the smartest breed of dogs I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and loving. Not only did you destroy an innocent life but you lost out on having the very best friend you could have ever asked for! Shame on you!
June 2022 by Mary A
This breeder used to go by Bison Ridge ACDs but she had so many bad google reviews she changed her name. We purchased a blue heeler puppy from her in 2011 and every sign that she was a puppy mill was present: dog was in an outdoor pen with pine shavings, cowering, hid under our car when we tried to take her home, Pam wouldn’t let us meet her parents because they weren’t friendly to humans. The dog was human aggressive and fear aggressive. After six months of training and socializing and expensive assistance she began being so fear aggressive that we hired another trainer for 1 on 1 work, and ended up hiring a dog psychiatrist who prescribed the dog Prozac and a cocktail of vitamins and supplements. She bit multiple neighbors anyway. And no, not in a blue heeler way, in a terrifying Kujo way. After animal control was called we asked Pam for assistance. She never returned phone calls. We attempted to rehome via ACDRA but couldn’t find anyone comfortable taking a dog that has bitten as much as she had. We had to have her euthanized. We learned shortly before euthanizing that another long-time (30+ years) heeler owner had purchased a pup from this woman and had to return it after 3 months because of all the behavior issues we had. These dogs have no human contact, come from aggressive stock, and Pam runs a puppy mill. Don’t buy from her!Her response is telling: buyer beware, this woman doesn’t run a responsible breeding program. She had other breeds at her home and when I used her toilet (we had driven four hours to pick up the dog) there were other small breeds in cages and dog p*** all over the floor of her house. Disgusting. Puppy mill when a breeder is breeding many types of dogs and the dogs are locked in cages.
April 2022 by Will Steinbrecher
i received a puppy 7 years ago from bison and my abby is a great companion, follows me where ever i go. love this dog dearly. She gets along with my other dog toby who is a springer spanial and they are the best of friends.
August 2020 by Patrick S.
Buyer beware!!! Pam Phillips, of Blue Heelers Are US, allowed a rabid skunk to infiltrate her dog pen. As a result, the health department quarantined her dogs. Before this happened, my father gave Pam Phillips $200 for a puppy. As it turned out, the puppy my father was going to buy was quarantined for 45 days, and it would have been four months old by the time my father could take possession of the dog. Additionally, since there was no telling what effect the quarantine would have on the dog's personality, my father requested his deposit back. Instead of refunding the money when Pam Phillips could not deliver as agreed, she replied to my father's request by saying, "I am sending your emails to my spam folder." Ultimately, Pam Phillips refused to ever refund the $200 deposit. It is also noteworthy that Pam Phillips was clearly displaying the American Kennel Club logo on her website, although the American Kennel Club replied that they do not license, endorse, register, or recommend anyone engaged in the commerce of selling AKC registered dogs. Proceed to do business with Pam Phillips at your own risk, but I would strongly recommend avoiding her unethical business and careless dog breeding practices.
June 2020 by Willy Steinbrecher
Got my blue heeled 5 years ago from bison and she is a great dog, inside and outside, gets along with my springer spanial really well. Great dog
June 2020 by David Tickle
Beautiful dogs from a clearly caring breeder. Nothing but positives in the entire process. New pup is an absolute dream!