August 2024 by Rebel OntheRun
I have a $500,000 Estate I was gonna leave to the shelter but After bringing a few things.There W
E r e not even letting Me in. the door. Forget it.
June 2024 by Dustin Williams
Manager appears unwilling to help pets in need and lacks empathy. Death of a friend's mother lead to 3 cats needing to be rehomed. Craig Co. Deputy arranged for this shelter to take them. After a day and a half of unreturned calls because "the manager is cleaning", next of kin had to go back through the Deputy just to get the cats in there. She appeared quite un-busy in her little air-conditioned office at a computer with a phone not a foot from her hand. Then the first thing out of her mouth is "why can't she (the deceased) take care of them?" Followed by "we'll have to put you (next of kin) on a do-not-adopt list for returning the cats." Twice the Deputy explained the situation to this woman and that's how she chose to handle the interaction. No one so callous and devoid of tact has any business working in animal care.
May 2024 by Debbie Francis
Says their hours are until 3:30 on Saturdays. Went there at 1:55 and they were closed. Must not want to adopt out dogs that bad. If you need to make an appointment then it should say that on the website.
March 2024 by Charles Ruffner
Just defund them, they do little to nothing for the animals anyway
February 2024 by Cory Stuart
Seems like they try really hard to save all they can. Molly Jennings and ACO Hodges were patient and answered my questions that I had. Seems like one of the better shelters that I've dealt with.
August 2023 by KapKap Gray
I was told they weren’t comfortable giving me a cat because of my previous one running away. What they didn’t know is that it was my son’s father’s cat, before he was murdered last year in Roanoke City. They said because I trained him to be both( cat owner didn’t want him neutered) indoor and outdoor then him running away made them concerned.
How would you feel if you had and owner and then he disappeared? My cat was depressed. One day he never came home again.
I never wanted that to happen again because my son was already going through a hard time losing his father.
I ended up adopting my spayed female cat. I planned on spaying this new one since she was going to be mine too.
I just feel sad. I can provide an amazing home and life for the baby and was denied. Losing my cat was already detrimental to the family. Being told that’s why they won’t give you a cat just breaks my heart more.
Months of looking at 4am till the sun came up. For my baby. Putting up flyers. Just wow.
August 2023 by Kate Ramsay
I went to the shelter looking to adopt either a cat or a dog, I've been wanting a forever friend for quite some time and I couldn't wait any longer. They were very friendly and helpful and let me take my time. I was able to find a cat I thought would fit and adopted her and now she's my little buddy. Thank you for your help and all that you do.
March 2023 by Diana Dyer
Looking for my lost black and white cat.She is 1.5 years old.Missing since Feb 4th,2023 from Craig Ave.I posted 2 pictures.She goes by Kitty or Harbor.
March 2023 by Dale R. (DNT4GT)
Just disconnects really
March 2022 by Jacob East
This shelter required exclusively curbside appointments to come and see adoptable pets. My wife and I scheduled an appointment to come and see a specific dog we wanted to adopt, took time away from work to do so, and made arrangements to be able to take the dog that day, only to be informed that the dog had been adopted two hours before our scheduled appointment time. If you are going to require appointments and schedule multiple appointments for the same dog on the same day, you should at least inform the holders of the later appointments that the earlier ones are taking place. It was very upsetting to be informed in this manner that we had gone to such lengths for absolutely nothing.
March 2022 by Crystal Howell
The staff is wonderful and we absolutely love our new kitty. We named her Pepper. She is so sweet and and lovable. We are so happy that we could give her a loving home. I wish we could adopt more.
March 2021 by Marc Rucker
Please come and help. If not here then go to your local shelter. If your child needs volunteer credit for college applications take them to your local shelter. Put in the good work. Every day more and more animals are brought in to the shelter. Anything you can do to help makes a difference.
March 2021 by Rebecca Marsh
A few months ago I lost my little man of 17 years. Felt ready to adopt. Sent out the message with three requirements. Small to medium size, female and child friendly for the grandchildren. We are retired and home most of the time, looking for a house baby.They sent back a response the same day. We think we have the perfect match. Set up an appointment for the next day. They were right. We are one month into our adoption and love Molly. She is a perfect match.
July 2020 by Lauren B.
Amazing and well maintained dog park! Headed to TN for a road trip with our Belgian Malinois and we were lucky enough to stumble across this place. Only a few miles off 81 and definitely worth the stop. Half a dozen dogs of all sizes and wonderful people. Highly recommend!
March 2020 by Mindy Shively
I fell in love here..we moved in together right away...me and my furry boy.