“Expositional preaching, congregational worship, and biblical faithfulness are the hallmarks of Jefferson Park. Numerous opportunities to grow in your knowledge of God's Word, including bible studies and seminary classes. Rich fellowship as the body of Christ, seeking to live for the glory of God, as the body builds itself up in love. Praise God for this church.”
“Hillsboro is a great family-oriented and Christ-centered community. They are quick to welcome in newcomers, and the fellowship after service allows many opportunities to get to know everyone. The importance of Scripture is emphasized, which is apparent in the weekly sermons.”
“I have belonged to CBC for 48 years. I have found an extended family and love and acceptance from our church. I have seen my faith grow through the teaching of David Collyer as he preaches God's word to us every Sunday. I am so thankful for my church family and that God is there every time we meet. God truly blesses all who enter our doors.”