July 2023 by Alexander Miller
(over the phone results never lead to any action!)Reasons not to use CenturyLink:First, they over charge. I had to pay 50 dollars for a 30 MB connection while Comcast will give 200mbs for less that $50.Second, the internet has horrible ping (response time) often ranging into the seconds of connection latency.Third, you pay so much and when your internet goes out or they lie about the speed they are giving you they DO NOT EVER fix the problem and are rude and tell you that you are the problem when it is clear you are not getting the speed you even payed for.
February 2023 by Lexzach
Where do I even start? We have been subscribed to CenturyLink for the past two years after moving to a new house, not because we want to subscribe, but because it is the only service available. To describe our internet connection as slow and unpredictable is an understatement. We have the “up to” 15 megabits per second** subscription, but have never actually reached 15 megabits per second. 95% of the time, it hovers around ~0.5 megabit per second (3.3% of what we pay for). One could describe this subscription as a borderline scam, as we don’t even get close to what we pay for. Recently, we just hit 0.03 megabits per second. Converting into kilobits per second, we find that 0.03 megabits per second is 30 kilobits per second. Thirty. Kilobits. Per. Second. According to Wikipedia on “Internet Access,” by the late 1990s internet speeds were exceeding 56 kilobits per second. We are getting HALF of what the average internet speeds were in the LATE 1990s to say that this is unacceptable would be giving you too much credit. With TEXT BASED browsing taking MINUTES, and god forbid you even attempt to do any form of video streaming, we might as well not have any connection at all.According to Microsoft, around HALF of the U.S. population has slow and unreliable internet. Clearly, CenturyLink isn’t doing anything to advance the internet speeds of the U.S, and would prefer to keep their patrons in the technological stone age while still syphoning out their money as if CenturyLink were providing decent internet. Not even to mention that with my brother and I both having to attend online school, to say that it was an absolute nightmare would, you guessed it, be an understatement. With virtually zero upload speed on our internet, having a webcam on, let alone TWO webcams on, was simply impossible to do. The frustration of having to tell teachers and friends that my entire ability to play video games, stream video, voice chat, do school work, and even GOOGLE THINGS, is based on if my internet will “let me” is indescribable.“Hey do you want to play Team Fortress 2 with us”“I can’t, my internet won’t let me” has been a phrase I have gotten accustomed to saying too oftenIgnoring the fact that Team Fortress 2 was a game released in 2007, when the internet was terrible compared to today's standards (high-speed compared to our service though), but still can’t run on our internet. The amount of bonding with friends and school work that could have been done during this pandemic has been next to zero because “my internet won’t let me.”According to CenturyLink, we have been using “too much” bandwidth, so we are being throttled. Let me ask, what is “too much” bandwidth on an internet connection so slow the user collects a layer of dust on their keyboard before a google search finally goes through? Loading two google searches at once? Watching a movie? Loading an image? Sending too many characters through a text? The throttling of our connection is returning our internet speed to “what we pay for,” which is naturally 1/30th of what we are actually paying for. The audacity for CenturyLink to provide internet speeds so slow it would be outperformed by 1990s 56k dial-up modems, then act shocked when our internet activity is pinned at 100% usage, is frankly astonishing.We are looking forward to Elon Musk's Starlink project, because it will move us out of the technological stone age, and move us closer to having a usable internet connection. We have already put down a down payment, and plan to drop CenturyLink at the soonest possible moment.Here's a new moto for you;“CenturyLink, it takes a century to do anything!”EDIT:We have finally gotten our Starlink order confirmed! We are so glad that we can finally say goodbye to genuinely the worst company I have ever had the displeasure of working with. I was in genuine tears when I got the notice saying that our Starlink system was ready to be shipped and installed. After more than 2 years of internet that would be unacceptable in the 1990s, we are finally released from the grasp of this scam.
February 2022 by my nyx
Our internet is medicore at best. Most recent connectivity issues resulted in me contacting customer service. I was told there was an outage and it was being addressed. I had my own internet back up and running within an hour. Customer service wait times are INSANELY long and they lie when you finally talk to someone. Worst internet provider I have ever dealt with.
July 2019 by Gail Taliaferro
Horrible service that is not reliable. I have no service and earliest they can get a tech here is one week. I am cancelling tomorrow. This has happened too many times. I would rather pay more for reliable service.
July 2019 by James Squire
Generally nice staff, but simply abysmal internet connectivity where I live. Their technician, who visits regularly when our service goes out entirely after heavy rains, says about 0.1 Mbps is the best we can expect, dropping to 0.05 Mbps during evenings. To add insult to injury, we get sent fliers regularly from Corporate HQ that say we should upgrade our plan from the 1 Mbps that we are paying for (despite receiving 10% of that) to 10 Mbps for no additional fees. Nice people locally, especially considering they must deal with the fallout of working for a company with terrible infrastructure.
July 2019 by Kevin Mosby
Absolutely the worst internet service provider
July 2019 by Oakey Pruett
I have basic landline phone service with Centurylink and nothing more. I live in a rural area and the only option I have for phone service and internet comes via Centurylink's lines; they got me and they know it. Just a few years ago I sat down with a company representative and chose only the stripped down version of phone service, and the price per month was under $30. Today, that same service is nearly $70 per month. I'd ditch them in a heartbeat if there were any other option, but there isn't so I'm at the mercy of the crooks if I want internet.
July 2019 by carbineone
Century Link has 911 outages every other month. Terrible customer service and slow response to outages. Wish we had Verizon.
July 2019 by Pete Pryor
All I have to say is they have sorry internet service.
July 2019 by Maverick
Horrible internet service. I had better speeds on dial up. Zero help from there service department. Like others have said sorry for the inconvenients but I can't help you. Can't even get a tech out here. I will be canceling tomorrow. Comcast may be expensive but at least its reliable.
July 2019 by Jonathan Rodgers
I did not expect to be treated so horribly. I was lied to you multiple times, hung up on multiple times, and transferred from department to department.
July 2018 by Brian Daniel
I would rate zero stars if possible. Our community in Lexington has been with a failing phone service for over a year now. We have very poor cell coverage and rely exclusively on the land line for both telephone and internet. After a formal petition was filed and a new report from a station in Roanoke, Century Link wrote a letter to the VA SCC stating our problem would be solved by end of 2016. We are now halfway through 2017 and the service keeps getting worse and worse. We pick the phone up to make a call and only get static. There are many elderly folks in our area, and we fear someone will need to call 911 and won't be able to get through because of the non-existent phone service. Meanwhile, they continue to send us a monthly bill? One of the worst companies on the planet. I would love to see a response from Century Link. We have plenty of documentation to backup this review.
July 2017 by Stephanie Bray
I've been with Century Link for as long as they have been the provider in my area (many years). DSL became available in 2006. I have been very pleased with Century Link. The representatives have always been kind and helpful. Internet tech support is 24/7.
July 2017 by Aaron Andrews (orangesrhyme)
Pros: I usually get a ~4mbps upload.
Cons: that's about 40 times faster than my 50kbps download.
July 2017 by Bvgrl67
The worst lazy , and untruthful company definitely would not recommend this company.
The only reason i gave a star is because I can't post without rating.