December 2022 by Ash P
i just want to know how much boarding cost here
December 2021 by Jose Melendez
December 2020 by Kathleen Valletta
I had positive hopes that this place would work out for me and my geldings. I hate leaving bad reviews but I will warn every equestrian when possible. Please really check a place inside and out and ask for current boarders as a reference before you sign the contract. I would call at least two current boarders before you sign.My expectations for any boarding facility are very simple:1. unlimited forage2. water at all times3. daily checks on horses and paddocks4. provide quality forage; obviously doesn't have to be alfalfa during the Winter but clean safe hay and plenty of grass Summer to FallWestview only cleared #2. My main concern for my horses welfare was no communication with boarders, and no one with actual horse experience caring for my horses or checking on them.We had a case in my field, where 9 horses lived, all 9 got foxtail and had it for at least one week. The caretaker that feeds never noticed their droopy lips, the owner denied it was foxtail, and when we all asked per the vets recommendation to remove the infected hay before turning the horses back out, we were denied. The vet was there dawn to dusk tending to all the horses. We all called the owner and bargained with the caretakers to listen to us and just do what we asked. Even boarders that didn't have horses in my field participated out of sheer concern for our horses. It took hours before they cleared the hay and replaced with fresh clean hay. If you have any experience running a barn, you know, you need to always check the hay when its unloaded for foxtail, mold or any other toxins. Nope. Not Westview. Any detail that a passionate equestrian would pay attention to, Westview doesn't.I will never board my horse again at a place where the owners are not horse lovers themselves. These people own Stone Tower Winery and several other local businesses. I think they take more care and concern of their winery than they do of the horse stables.The only good thing about Westview, was the boarders. Everyone was very nice, made up of more mature owners with several young ones taking lessons so it was never crowded.Bathrooms were not kept clean, one never had toilet paper. Lots of horse hazards and the grass in the field where I kept my horses never got tall enough to provide adequate forage for all 9 horses including 1 Clydesdale . (see photo below) They stopped putting out hay late February and we had numerous cold nights that followed. My senior gelding lost weight because of it. I asked the owner to please put more hay out and he said the grass was sufficient. I went when I could and added a bale or two and all 9 horses would gobble it up within 30 minutes.Lastly, my senior gelding right before I left and was my ticket out, got put on Prascend. The caretakers did not give him his pill daily. I purposefully only gave a certain amount and kept track of how much would be left. When I checked on the meds he literally missed 6 days of meds. That was it for me.
December 2020 by Melissa Starn
Had a wonderful visit and ride with friends. Great trails.
December 2019 by Ash Vickers
The best place for your horses, facilities are great, the owner genuinely cares about the horses, the grooms are amazing and the whole place is simply beautiful!
December 2018 by Foxwoodfarm Di
I love boarding my horse at Westview! The facilities are great, the staff experienced and caring, and the Ride Out unbeatable, over 1000 acres of trails. Best of all it's close to my home in Leesburg. The new management is amazing -- making improvements and upgrades every day.
December 2018 by Kathi Watts
I boarded horses at Westview Stables back in the 1990s. It was a nicely run horse boarding facility then and still is to this day. I have my horses at my own place now, but would definitely board at Westview again should my situation change. The owners are very nice and the ride out is great.