August 2023 by Cory Morgan
July 2023 by Jade Rush
I go here evrey year. I love it so much it’s my home. I love it so much I’m so excited for it evrey year. You meet the best people and you stay friends with them for the lonest time. I met one of my closet friends my first year of camp were still really close. I’m in my second to last year of camp.
July 2023 by Zion Kern
Camp magic
January 2023 by ilovegoats
I can not tell you how wonderful OQC is. It is truly the most magical place I know. I will always call opequon home!!! thanks for all the memories and all the friendships. I can't wait to come back.TLDR, 10/10, would recommend :)
January 2023 by Google User
I’ve been coming for 5 years now this place is another home to me you will have the best bonds here
January 2023 by David Hunter
Best summer camp ever!
January 2022 by Rotasha Kellam
Five years strong of fond memories and lifelong "framily" bonds are truly priceless for my family and BYM Camps thanks to STRIDE Baltimore.
January 2022 by kara sheehy
Beyond amazing, a beautiful and thrilling wild camp experience.
January 2020 by Heather Murray
I think intentions are wonderful. This camp values inclusitivity, togetherness, and teamwork. Having gone to Quaker camps myself as a kid, being raised Quaker, knowing other families who had attended... I had high hopes.Unfortunately, after a week of camp my child was in respiratory distress due to asthma. The camp seemed blissfully unaware that there was an issue, but they had not followed my medication requests (which were, quite simply, to call me if she needed any medication at all, since she is usually--and has been for the last year following her camp experience--asymptomatic). After a week we learned she'd been using her rescue inhaler several times daily (again, despite not needing at all in her usual life).What really got to me was, the camp was calling us every day to give us updates on behavior... But in all those calls, never once mentioned my daughter could not breathe.After a week, when we picked her up, she couldn't walk more than a few feet without a coughing fit. The camp "nurse" (and I used the term loosely, since it's my impression she was not one) kept encouraging us to just take her out for a few hours. Instead, we took her to the ER, she was admitted for the night and had to take steroids.I think Quaker camps are awesome. I truly, truly do. But when her possessions were returned to us everything smelled like it had been mildewing for months. There was no medical professional. There was no schedule given for medication.And, then, of course, despite all the reassurance we'd been getting that they cared about her and loved having her at camp? After her hospital visit and my lodging a complaint?We never heard from them again. Not even to ask of she was okay.Btw, she's fine, Opequon.In the Quaker faith, there's a lot of emphasis on conscience. Mine is telling me to write this review.
January 2020 by Brandon Copeland
I went to camp as a scared 9 year old and hated it lol but it came back to be a counselor and loved everything about it. Camp is really a vibe ✨ and everyone loves each other. THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE LIKE OPEQUON!!! SHINE ON☀️
January 2020 by Willow Schleifer
Opequon is where I meet friends, feel accepted and have fun. Opequon is awesome, I would recommend this to everyone.
January 2020 by Jeremy Gordon
I always smile when I think back to summer camp at Opequon
January 2020 by Julie Odland
Life-changing, kid-positive experience!
January 2019 by jamie o
Amazing! The only problem is the C.I. Most kids got heat stroke, and it was WAY too long of a hike, but still the camp is amazing!
January 2019 by Rosie Schleifer
Camp is a place like no other. I love it to the bottom of my heart.