Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
4.2 -
8 reviews.
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10AM - 2PM
1901 Thomson Rd, Charlottesville VA 22903
Most Recent Reviews
December 2019
Welcoming, laid back, active in the community, classes and other activities offered.
December 2017
Our family has found this community of faith open, warm and loving. Their commitment to missions and social justice issues is genuine. This is a congregation with a desire to bring God's love to all.
December 2017
Wesley is a small congregation of very hospitable and welcoming people who consistently focus on living out God's love with one another, in the community, and throughout the world.
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About Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Our Welcoming Statement
“In Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, slave nor free.” All means all. All God’s people, of every age, race, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity (cis, trans or questioning), means, ability and spiritual tradition are welcome here in the name and love of God, to worship, learn and serve.
Wesley Memorial Church is an affirming, welcoming and reconciling congregation sharing Christ's love with our neighbors without exception.
We worship every Sunday at 11:00 am and all are welcome to come join us.
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