Laugha Yoga
187 Ramaa Ln, Buckingham VA 23921
Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.
Most Recent Reviews
May 2020
Laughed my way through a birthday. I then, laughed until I cried. Healing and relief. --wendy
October 2019
Laughed my way through a birthday. I then, laughed until I cried. Healing and relief. --wendy
April 2019
Laughed my way through a birthday, I then laughed until I cried. Healing and relief. --wendy
More Comments(3)
About Laugha Yoga
Laugha Yoga® is an ancient, new idea for reconnecting us with our true Self. Through yogic laughter sessions, Yoga nidra (guided deep relaxation), pranayama (yogic breathing practices) and meditation, we can reach a profound level of peace, joy and relaxation.
A fun and profound blend of yogic laughter games, guided deep relaxation, yogic breathing practices and meditation designed to ease us into a profound level of peace, joy and relaxation.
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