December 2015 by Carol Soulia
About 25 minutes ago I pulled up in front of the gas station to get gas. I had just gotten off of work. I did the usual routine, got out of my car, swiped my credit card, waited for the pump to process, it authorizes the sale and I try to pump the gas. Nothing happened. The pump would not dispense the gas. I looked inside the store to see if there was anyone that could help. The store appear to be closed. There are some stations that are doing that now the store will close but the pump still work. That did not appear to be the case here. I got in my car and as soon as I started it the light and the pump all turned off. I looked at the clock in my car and it was just 11 o'clock When the Lights Went Out. I don't know if there was someone inside controlling the lights are there on an automatic timer. If the hours of operation are until 11 I believe that the pump should run till 11. Since I drive a gas hog that station lost a $50+ sale.
July 2014 by Barry Savage
Really? You punish an employee for defending himself, something u obviously couldn't provide.
June 2014 by Jesse Gregg
The fact that Mac's Convenience store has been robbed several times yet prevents its employees from protecting themselves and then suspends an employee for foiling a robbery insures I will never purchase anything from that store.
June 2014 by jamesandpsp
Vet cant defend himself??? Ok then, you wont see me in your sore!
June 2014 by Mike H
I see and hear news reports daily that genuinely instill much fear in me as an American. It is blatantly obvious that our government and public servants at all levels continue to completely disregard our Constitution, but what is really mind-boggling is that just plain COMMON SENSE no longer exists. The United States is currently self-destructing but true patriots are fighting to save our Republic from the COMMUNISM that is rampant throughout the country.
June 2014 by Matthewseven13
You suspended an employee for defending himself? And a Vietnam Vet no less? SCREW YOU! I'll NEVER enter your damn store again!