July 2024 by Larry Cannon
Very good place to work for a part time job. Offer very good benefits and very good health care plan for your family. Also, has a vested retirement after five years of work. Go to
UPSJOBS if interested.
May 2024 by Scott Morrey
I just drove out here. There is no drop-off or dropbox anywhere.
October 2023 by Sapati Talafasi
It's FedEx Express I work at
April 2023 by Helson Resty
My experience was okay but theCoworkers are awesome good team work and good performance.
September 2022 by Isis De Leon
I work there, it's a good place to work, everyone is a good colleague.
April 2022 by Robert Heyborne
They said they require masks because of tsa.. lame
September 2021 by Eric (Big E Z)
If need it tomorrow, this is where it comes! Urgency done here!
July 2021 by Eric
If need it tomorrow, this is where it comes! Urgency done here!
December 2020 by Some Guy
packages go in the airplane and packages comw off the airplane. For the consumers pleasure.
September 2020 by Alex Paice
Eazy to locate, friendly service
August 2020 by Denny Lucky
What to say , its job and l love it
August 2020 by Richi Rich
Awesome ?? place!!
January 2020 by John Herrington
Horrible service. Theft of property, actual fraud(contract). Avoid UPS. Other carriers available. 2 days later and they still don't know what is going on Other than an audit for a synergy drag link for sterring. PLAN ON WAITING 30MINS + FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE..
November 2019 by Sam Hagen
Was mistakenly told to come here by a UPS store. There isn’t anyone here to take small packages Go to the UPS Customer Center Not Here !
July 2019 by tyson hollen
Ups is the best. There drivers are so friendly and helpful.