“I stopped in today with my four year old grandson who loves trains. Dale was exceptional! My grandson wouldn’t stop talking about getting to drive all the trains and push all the buttons. It has to be said that I’ve never in my life experienced the customer service we received today. I think I was actually more concerned about my grandson touching things than the owner was lol. He has a great museum in the back if you want to learn more about early Ogden as well which was super cool. I will definitely be shopping there for Christmas!”
“I've been into the store twice in the last 90 days, and I've been very well taken care of by a great employee. His name is Caleb. He is the STIHL service technician that knows his stuff inside and out. He was very knowledgeable and helpful. Yes, a bonus or pay raise are in order”
“I always love this place. Great place to go for farming, camping, hunting, gardening, canning, cooking, and so much more! So, when you want more than walmart, you go to Smith and Edwards. It isn't a big secret anymore. Good for them.”