Teuscher Musical Instrument Repair
Auto RepairHours:
1880 N 1350 E, North Logan UT 84341 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
September 2020
I have never met someone who is so dedicated to helping his customers. My tuba needed to be chemically cleaned, he finished in just a couple of days and it wad good to go!
December 2019
I have never met someone who is so dedicated to helping his customers. My tuba needed to be chemically cleaned, he finished in just a couple of days and it wad good to go!
September 2019
Teuscher carried out several specific requests for me including maintenance on my instrument case. He found silver hardware for a replacement to match my 64 year old clarinet. I would go to Teuscher again.
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About Teuscher Musical Instrument Repair
This is a business operated out of the home of owner Trevor N. Teuscher. We repair all band instruments (woodwinds, brass, and percussion). We also repair all instrument cases. We sometimes so small repairs on other instruments (strings, guitars, etc.) on a case-by-case basis. Contact us for more information. Because this is a business operated out of a home, the listed hours are more of a guideline. It is highly recommended that customers contact us (text or call the listed numbers) ahead of time to verify that we are available. With this type of service, it is common to not be able to answers calls immediately. Please leave a message that includes your name and contact information, so that you can be contacted later.
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