February 2021 by Matt B. N.
I remember riding my bike down to 'KK' as it was known colloquially 20-something years ago, when it was the only commercial entity allowed to operate in Highland, and the 'corner' was the intersection of 2 2-lane roads... OMG, things have certainly changed since then! ;) Kountry Korner is still going strong, having been acquired and managed most recently by the 'Harts' brand which operates 3 gas stations I frequent here locally. The Harts iteration of Kountry Korner is a clean, well-managed and attractive property with friendly employees, a grill and food items, standard convenience store fare attractively arranged, and the ubiquitous gas pumps to fill up your vehicle. There is an air compressor to fill your tires, and it's free! (I hate being forced to get quarters to buy freakin' AIR - it's a particular peeve of mine) and they have a car wash which can either be automated, or you can choose to hose down your own vehicle in the spray bays - as the weather often necessitates a rinse-off of your roadster to keep road grime at bay. It's a one stop shop for car convenience catering to those coming out of the AF Canyon as well.. It's an excellent convenience combination! If you are in the Highland/Alpine area and require refueling of either your vehicle or of yourself, you could do far worse than heading over to the Harts Kountry Korner.