April 2024 by Garret Johnson
Altabank is a complete disaster.
Altabank has the downsides of a large bank with the disadvantages of a small bank. Their app doesn’t work. Online services are horrible. Disrespectful employees. Etc.
I had very bad experiences an older lady who works at the alpine branch. Was always getting asked personal questions about my business. Somehow everyone there knew what I did for work. “Oh you’re the guy who does____” (someone I had never talked to in my life).
On one occasion the older lady followed me out to my car pressuring me for my phone number to give intricate details of my business to “one of her kids.”
This is just one example of many. I question if the experience I had with Altabank alpine was even legal.
Had my credit card canceled out of the blue with no warning. 4 years of perfect credit history down the drain. Tried to get it reinstated. Didn’t work. Tried to apply for a new card in the branch and was impatiently told to do it online. Applied online and what do you know 2 months and 3 hours on the phone later and they have no record of my application (Confirmation email confirms I applied). Why do you think I went into the branch in the first place?
They would have 1.5 stars on google if not for the annual 5 star review contest. They push their customers for an entire month to give them a 5 star review on google…Turning a simple 30 second visit to the bank into a sales pitch of what you can do for them. Yay! Honestly a smart way to cover up how bad they are.
Bank anywhere else.
January 2024 by Roger Andersen
October 2023 by David Haynes
I have been a customer for over a decade. It started as a great small town relationship and service oriented bank. It has since sold a couple of times to larger banks. It has now lost almost all of the small town feel and service. Everyone I used to know at the bank is gone (sometimes with quiet whispers about how the new owners kinda dont get it). The bank now has all the disadvantages of a small bank (fees/limited options/poor systems) with none of the advantages (relationships/service/personality). I hope management can turn this mess around but I am not optimistic.
September 2023 by Susie McCabe
Diane and Kelly always take such good care of me at the bank. They are the reason that I still feel that banking in Alpine is like visiting with my neighbors.
September 2023 by Dwayne Nielson
They have changed ownership so many times that they no longer care about their customers. During a transition of systems they abruptly said all past data would be removed. They changed over one of my accounts with accompanying higher fees without telling me. I have been to the bank 4 times to try and get resolution and they said the manager would call me. It never happened.
August 2023 by Archer Dame
Emily was v slay
August 2023 by Teresa Oldham
AltaBank in Alpine is awesome. Made to feel so welcome!
August 2023 by Hannah Tebbs
Great bank! Emeline is extremely helpful and just the sweetest.
August 2023 by Tom Tebbs
Emeline is the best in the business
August 2023 by Ahmalia Iongi
Emeline was super nice, quick and efficient!
August 2023 by Dan Clark
Emilee was very helpful.
August 2023 by Grant Stucki
Diane has been helpful and the Alpine Branch is great.
August 2023 by Madee Burgess
Diane was so helpful ❤️ love the alpine branch
August 2023 by Hayden Andersen
Diane at the Alpine branch is amazing!
August 2023 by Dave Nelson
Diane is the best.