The Source of Hope
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Community Services/Non-Profits
6 - 9AM
1108 W Parker Rd Ste 102, Plano TX 75075
Most Recent Comments
September 2023
The Source of Hope is an amazing organization run by people who truly have a heart for helping others. They provide ways for the community to be involved in serving and genuinely care about the health and happiness of the people who they encounter.
August 2023
The Source of Hope is helping thousands feed their families. They also have outreach to help people receive critical holistic services.To top it all of they make an incredible juice/ elixir proven to assist in healing chronic conditions.They truly live up to their name!
August 2023
I just received the fire cupping this morning. The experience along with the education provided is life changing. I wish I had known about this years ago.
More Comments(16)
From The Source of Hope
We believe that vocation leads to purpose, purpose leads to direction, and direction leads to hope. Our purpose is not only to meet the immediate physical needs of the underserved communities of Dallas, but to impact their futures by teaching vocational skills that they can then use to become not only self-sufficient, but become contributing members of society. For those who lack direction, we give them a plan. For those who lack purpose, we give them a reason to wake up in the morning. We also provide reduced cost beauty treatments and other holistic body treatments. These include • Hair care • Facials • Medical beauty treatments • Grooming treatments for men • Hair extensions • Body treatments • Experiential treatment packages
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