November 2022 by Don Strain
Friendly...? Yes, they are. However, when it comes to what a pharmacy must be, i.e., a trustworthy and reliable partner in our medication needs, "friendly" as the sole positive attribute earns just this single star. To demonstrate, for the second straight time, the pharmacy failed to deliver my 90-day prescription by the promised date and left me 'dry' (without my medication) over a weekend. The most recent error, they tell me, was because a secondary, non-essential, medicine was out-of-stock until the following Monday. The essential nature of the medicine they did have, but withheld and left me dry, is obvious. They did not even deem me worthy of phone call to let me know that I'd be without the necessary medication for three days (which, by the way, they had eight days notice to prepare for the delivery).So, again, this was the second straight time they failed in the same way. However, with the delivery prior to those, they delivered my "90-day supply" on time, but with just 30 doses. Fortunately, when I called to let them know that, they were somehow able to verify their error. Still, that is a most irresponsible service record, and wholly unacceptable for a business in the medical profession.