October 2024 by Edwina “Wee” Luna
Only place where you can take out from the ATM at 5,10 and 20 minutes
November 2023 by Steve Wylie
Nice big clean store but kind of lightly stocked
August 2023 by Jimmie Richards
Excellent cleaners
July 2023 by Lisa Pittman
Cashier was rude
June 2023 by Edith D.
Food place inside was very good. ?? ordered a chicken ranch sandwich
April 2022 by JJ Silverado
February 2022 by Robert Richardson
It's okay
January 2022 by Chris Andolini
I use this station primarily because it has an Amazon Locker pickup, which is great. The store itself is very clean inside and out, looks well stocked and there's always people inside eating the little hispanic food stand they have in there. I had lunch there myself, it was good but the tacos were tiny, but tasted great.
January 2022 by William M Vargas
Something weird about this gas station it has done it to me twice now with the same person on the afternoon shift. The cashier tells me that its not reading my card to purchase fuel. When it does cause it shows on my bank that it has pulled 1 dollar and its giving it back. But I have to walk inside and see the cashier. I personally thing something is happening with that cashier and the pumps
January 2022 by Suzanne Riggenbach
If you have Chevron/Texaco card you get a price break on fuel. They also carry a decent selection of mass production beer, including Negra Modelo.
January 2022 by Billy Perez
I really love this gas station. The pumps and the cashiers are awesome. It’s like my 2nd home.
January 2022 by Holly Medina
Stopped by Jan 1, 2021 8:00 pm. Customer Service is really bad here. And gas is pricier compared to other places.
January 2022 by Baby B.
Great!! I absolutely love this gas station!!!
January 2022 by Rogelio Lopez
(Translated by Google) On December 31, approximately after 7:00 PM, I went to buy some Monsters and a drink where I saw the offer of 3 Monsters for $5.50, so I bought all 3 but when I checked the purchase ticket, I noticed that they had charged me for 2 x $4.5 and a separate one at regular price. The next day, January 1st, passing the gas station again in the morning after 10:00 AM, I asked thinking there was a mistake and a young man of Asian descent attended to me and handed him the ticket who asked me if I was sure how many ounces were and I answered that the size that is on offer, he commented that he was going to review the cameras and then tell me that there was no mistake that the offer was not for 12 oz. that I was the wrong one so I told him that I had one in the car and in a very haughty way he told me to bring it to see and he kept the receipt and since I left I could hear that he was saying more words and there was customers. When I went to my car I realized that he was right it was 16 oz. those who had bought so I returned to tell him that he was right that I was wrong when I opened the door he began to offend me and tell me words including towards my mother without caring that there were customers so I told him to shut up and I left from the local I no longer wanted to listen and he kept offending me.(Original)El dia 31 de Diciembre aproximadamente despues de las 7:00 PM acuidi a comprar unos Monsters y una bebidas en donde vi la oferta de 3 Monsters x $5.50 por lo que adquiri los 3 pero al revisar el ticket de compra note que me habían cobrado 2 x $4.5 y uno separado a precio regular . Al dia siguiente Enero 1o pasando nuevamente por la gasolinera en la mañana después de las 10:00 AM llegue a preguntar pensando que había un error y me atendió un joven de ascendencia Asiatica le entregue el ticket el cual me pregunto que si estaba seguro de cuantas onzas eran y le conteste que del tamaño que esta en oferta , comento que iba a revizar las cámaras para luego decirme que no había error que la oferta no era para los de 12 oz. que yo era el equivocado por lo que le comente que en el carro traía uno y de una manera muy altanera me dijo que lo trajera para ver y el se quedo con el recibo y desde que salí logre escuchar que estaba diciendo más palabras y ahi había clientes. Al ir a mi carro me di cuenta que el tenia razón era de 16 oz. los que habia comprado por lo que regrese para decirle que el tenia razón que yo era el equivocado al abrir la puerta el comenzó a ofenderme y decirme de palabras incluyendo hacia mi madre sin importarle que había clientes por lo que le dije se se callara y salí del local ya no quería seguir escuchando y el seguía ofendiendome.
November 2021 by Manuel.1970
The best in Pasadena, respectful and professional treatment